Why Jujutsu Kaisen Is The Best Worth Watching Anime 2021 ?

Why Jujutsu Kaisen Is The Best Worth Watching Anime 2021

Jujutsu Kaisen is fast becoming the most talked about anime of Fall 2020. And here’s why we think Jujutsu Kaisen is destined to become the best Shonen anime of all time.

The Looming Presence Of Death

Jujutsu Kaisen, out of all the shonen anime we’ve ever seen, is the one that deals with death the most. We’ve already lost track of how many there are in the series. Random civilians, supporting characters, and even entire buildings will die at any time depending on the situation. That, too, for no particular cause. The anime makes no attempt to explain itself.The anime assumes that the audience will work it out on their own. In one scene, Jogo, a Fire-Using Cursed Demon, simply burns everyone in a café to death in the most horrific way imaginable. What is the explanation for this? He was in the mood for it.

The Animation Is Fluid

When a studio creates a shonen anime, it begins with a bang. However, they fade away halfway through, leaving us with subpar animated scenes. This is a crime committed by Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, and even Demon Slayer. With Jujutsu Kaisen, stuff like this will never happen. The animation is actually very fluid, and we expect it to remain so until the very end. The animation studio in charge of the series – MAPPA, is one of the best in the business. Their previous works include Rage of Bahamut and God Of High School.

>>> See more : The Best Main Characters In Jujutsu Kaisen

Use Of Horror


Jujutsu Kaisen is an action-adventure film with a dash of horror thrown in for good measure. Curses are creatures of pure evil born of human malice, and Jujutsu Sorcerers, skilled wizards who use Cursed Magic, battle them. The setting is reminiscent of Bleach, which featured Hollows rather than curses. However, Jujutsu Kaisen extends the horror aspect beyond monster design.It’s obvious when the 1st Year Trio discovers the Special Grade Curse on their first mission. The setting was epic and upsetting, as was the final confrontation with the much more powerful Special Grade Curse.

>>> See more : The 10 Most Powerful Entities In The Jujutsu Kaisen

Cuts To The Chase

Instead of providing us with slice-of-life moments, anime and manga move at a breakneck pace. In the first chapter, the main antagonist appears and becomes a part of the main character. The Tournament arc, the anime’s most exciting story line, begins right after the first mission of the 1st Year. Jujutsu Kaisen gets straight to the point. It uses time skips instead of fillers.

There Is No Plot Armor

The Protagonist perseveres and achieves the impossible, which is a popular theme in Shonen anime. Everyone tells him it can’t be done, so the protagonist does it anyway. It is credited for possessing a never-say-die attitude. Itadori, the protagonist of jujutsu Kaisen, discovers early on that he won’t be able to save anyone. The Jujutsu Kaisen universe makes it abundantly clear that death hangs over everyone’s head. All he can do is make sure people die “good deaths,” which means death from natural causes. In the sequence, however, no one is immune to death. It’s the Game of Thrones anime adaptation.

Villains Are Not Relatable (It’s A Good Thing!!)

Shone anime, in its most simple form, tends to be drawn entirely in black and white. There are straight cut good and poor sides. These days, having a morally ambiguous character is something of a fad. Hisoka, Sasuka, Vegeta, and the Joker from the Fire Force are all designed to be relatable. Jujustu Kaisen does not require you to rev your engines.The majority of the early villains are subhumans who are fueled by curses. Since they are the purest type of evil, they commit crimes without remorse. It’s their idea of a good time. After years of mental conditioning, it takes some getting used to. However, this is how shonen should be – black and white.

>>> See more: 10 Things To Know About Jujutsu Kaisen

Fight Scenes. So Many Fight Scenes

The majority of people watch Shonen anime to marvel at the spectacular action scenes. It used to be at the forefront of the genre’s success. Then the filler and time skip tropes ruined the trend, making it a relic of a bygone age. As previously mentioned, Jujutsu Kaisen moves at a fast pace. In a short period of time, a large number of characters are added. And almost every time a new character comes about, he or she ends up in an action sequence. About two-thirds of the anime consists solely of action sequences.

Perfect Balance Of Dark & Light-Hearted Tones

Until Demon Slayer and Hunter x Hunter, Shonen anime was never dark. Death has no importance. Demon Slayer was the first show to incorporate grit and brutality into the main plot. The story of Jujutsu Kaisen is visibly grim, but it also has comedic moments. The Shonen anime combines the best of both worlds: One Punch Man’s wit and Hunter x Hunter’s brutality and darkness and Demon Slayer.

Time Skips Instead Of Fillers

Many hardcore anime fans despise Naruto and Dragon Ball Z because of their fillers. Other Shonen anime series, such as One Piece and Bleach, are also guilty of this. And when Shonen anime uses Time Skips, the ending is always messed up. It takes true artistry to use Time Skips to seamlessly blend in with the plot.Jujutsu Kaisen hires time jumps of a few weeks or months without jeopardizing the arc’s credibility. In today’s shonen world, there are no fillers or slice-of-life moments.

Complex, Almost Incomprehensible Abilities

The problem with Shonen anime is that it seeks to simplify it to the point of absurdity. Naruto, Luffy, and Goku’s abilities were dumbed down to cater to the viewer. They were written in such a way that any reader or spectator might understand them. Jujustu Kaisen, on the other side, takes the exact opposite direction. It complicates the in-universe power structure – the Cursed power abilities – to the point that no one can completely comprehend them. For example – Satoru Gojo’s power can make him the most powerful warrior of the series. But none of us can truly understand how it works. It’s like the Nen System in Hunter x Hunter, only better.